Phil Cooper
pcooper at guernsey.net
Sun Dec 21 12:00:21 EST 2003
Seasons greetings to one and all!
Conditions were great, which helped a lot, and it was very enjoyable to work
Norman VK6GOM on 10m and 20m.
Some nice short openings to W6/W7 as well, and I even copied Bob VE6YR, but
didn't manage to find him CQ'ing.
I had planned to start at midnight, but felt too tired to do that, so
decided to get up early instead. That didn't work, and it was just past 0700
when I woke up. Got to the shack with a cup of coffee, fired up everything
and got started. After 6 QSO's, I noticed that the IC756Pro was making a
funny sound, the display went dark, and I was only putting out about 10
watts! PANIC set in, and I started to play with the settings, trying to see
if I could isolate anything, then found it did this on all modes, and even
into a dummy load with no ancilliary equipment plugged in. Even more
worrying! I had to nip out to our club, as my IC756 was there, so that was
more time lost. Swapped rigs over, and that did much the same thing! Tried a
different PSU, and still the same!
In the end, I found it was only the power lead that was causing the problem,
so I swapped that and got back into things after losing about 1 hour of
contest time. Sadly, it meant that I lost out on a few 80m contacts at that
Although 10m was open, I couldn't copy any of the OK stations, so didn't
really try hard on that band. 15m was in good shape, with plenty of W6/W7
around, and even a few OK's.
20m seemed good, but now I look at the score sheet, the points are well
down. Looks like 40m was the better band for me, which surprised me, as I
didn't really think I had done much on that band.
There were quite a few calls that I haven't seen before, which is always
nice, but some clearly need to watch the flow before they start hitting
keys! I had several instances of having to repeat exchanges, simply because
someone kept calling me in mid-QSO.
Looking at some of the scores posted on the 3830 reflector, I think I did
quite well!
This is what I managed:
Class A) Single operator all bands
BAND QSOs Points DXCC OK stns
80 53 162 17 9
40 73 234 28 15
20 71 93 24 12
15 75 125 22 2
10 30 50 9 0
Totals: 302 664 100 38
664 pts X 100 DXCC X 38 OK stns = 2523200
Station: IC756Pro about 60 - 70 watts out
Antennas: MQ1 minibeam for 10, 15 & 20, half-size G5RV on 40 and an
inverted L for 80.
Logging: Writelog 10.44B + MMTTY
Does anyone know if we can submit a Cabrillo log for this one?? And why does
Writelog not produce the usual RTF layout?
Seasons greetings to you all, and I hope Santa brings you all the radio gear
you asked for!
Very best 73, and see you all in the SARTG HNY contest.
de Phil GU0SUP
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