Bill Hellman vze27322 at verizon.net
Sun Dec 21 09:10:05 EST 2003

This was my first RTTY contest using WriteLog/RttyRite. Thanks to 
Don, AA5AU's tutorial I was able to get it going. The only problem 
was when Don reported my transmitted characters were reversed.
I changed the polarity to REVERSE in the FT-1000MP menu and 
that fixed it. I wish the OK DX committee would accept the log in 
Cabrillo format.

2003 OK DX RTTY Contest
Zone 5
Single operator all bands 

BAND QSOs Points DXCC OK stns 
40        2        6         1          0 
20        22      27        6          1
15        76      92        20        1
125 pts X 27 DXCC
X 2 OK stns = 6750 Points

Station: Yaesu FT-1000MP 100 watts output
Antenna: Full-wave 40-meter Loop (all bands)

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