[RTTY] amps

Anthony W. DePrato wa4jqs at mikrotec.com
Tue Dec 30 18:53:58 EST 2003

you are correct tribanders and a lot of monobanders will not handle the 
100% duty cycle. if your monobander is direct feed then you are ok.. the 
204ba is ok as i have put 1kw into it rtty without problems.  the gamma 
match you might run into problems as the dielectric  can break down. a 
hairpin match works fine. beta matches i am not sure of ..the classis 36 i 
have would never take  1kw rtty. my monoband quads  work great as i feed 
them with their own tuned lines. the amp i use is an Alpha 89 Beta unit 
that Dick build for the SSIDXG Group. it was build to mil spec's and i can 
put 1500wts carrier output on rtty all day and it never complains. i have a 
henry  2KD5 a kenwood TL922a and a L4B and i have ran the all weekend in 
contest on rtty at 400 wts output and never a problem. as fair as i am 
concerned you should never need more then 300 or 400 watts output on rtty. 
i can load my Alpha to 2600watts keydown in cw but who needs that . i might 
turn one of my amps on 3 or 4 times in a month 98% of all my contacts are 
made running  200wts input with my TS 950SDX
73 Tony


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