Kok Chen chen at mac.com
Tue Feb 11 18:04:27 EST 2003

On Tuesday, February 11, 2003, at 04:20  PM, W0ETC wrote:

> Also, it bothers me that at least one serious station who is
> known to be in a call area other than the one in their suffix was not
> signing with the portable designator.

Yes, there was one multi-multi that I know who was out of their call
area and did not sign portable.  I'd happened to also work them on
all 5 bands, and it only became clear after I found out the QTH why
it was so easy to work them on all bands :-).

There was also a single op that I know who did not sign portable out
of his call area.

However, the rules only requires you to sign portable if you are outside
of your DXCC counter.  So, neither of the above have broken the rules,
as far as I know.

I would have used AA6TY/7, but I have a rather mundane callsign
now :-).

Hey, what was HC8N doing in TI5, anyway :-) :-).

Chen, W7AY

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