[RTTY] I realize this is kinda pathetic, but...

Jeff Stai WK6I wk6i at twistedoak.com
Fri Feb 21 17:16:01 EST 2003

... I'll spare you the non-technical details (*), but it's friday night and 
I can't get my RTTY setup working for the contest tomorrow. All this stuff 
worked before I moved 400 miles, and I am sure I am missing some silly 
detail I figured out easily before...

I'm trying to get my laptop set up with writelog, an external (ST8000) TNC 
in one rttyrite window, and with MMTTY running in a second window (per 
AA5AU). The TNC is configured as a dumb terminal in rttyrite.

The MMTTY window is printing fine, but the TNC window is gibberish. The TNC 
is set up the standard way (I'll spare you the run thru, but it's basically 
the defaults M2125, S2295, B45, no regen, etc.) and is receiving audio 
according to the CRT (using a splitter from the rig).

I have a feeling this is one of those "silly" 5-bit vs 8-bit serial port 
problems, but can't quite see what I have missed.

(by the way, I would just run with MMTTY, except it's all set up to use FSK 
thru the TNC - and I have to use FSK to have the rig set up the right 
filtering (FT1000)).

thanks very much - jeff wk6i

(*): OK, so I moved 400 miles, have had no station for several months, was 
supposed to start this tuesday but caught an ear infection, all I have is an 
F12 Sigma vertical, but if I can get this working I may actually get to work 
a contest for the first time in almost a year!-)

Jeff Stai               jds at twistedoak.com
Twisted Oak Winery      http://www.twistedoak.com/
Rocketry Org. of CA     http://www.rocstock.org/
Amateur Radio           WK6I

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