[RTTY] SO2R Question

Jerry Flanders jeflanders at comcast.net
Sun Feb 23 19:47:10 EST 2003

For lack of a better system, I just manually control the rigs. I have dual 
computers. monitors, and keyboards side by side, and can alternate pretty 

If I mis-time something, the one 14V 35A power supply serving two 25A rigs 
lets me know in a hurry if both rigs try to tx at once at full power - 
shuts down.

When the amps are on (not yesterday), a single 220V breaker service to the 
shack would trip if both amps drew at same time.

I suppose the honor system is the ultimate control, but don't forget that 
if someone actually cheated, it would be easy to monitor their 
transmissions and see it on the air.

Jerry W4UK

At 13:23 2/23/03 -0500, Stephen E. Wojton wrote:
>         I have never operated SO2R. One question that I have. When a 
> contest such as the NAQP RTTY has a rule that states that for Single 
> Operators are allowed only one transmitted signal at one time, how do you 
> accomplish this ? Something in the software that does not allow one rig 
> to transmit while the other one is ? Or do we just go by an honor system ?
>73 es RTTY DX to all
>Steve- N2DBI - future SO2Rer.

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