[RTTY] 216 Error

sjolin@swbell.net sjolin@swbell.net
Wed, 1 Jan 2003 09:14:48 -0600

Thought I would participate in this weekends Roundup so I installed =
WF1B's Rtty program on a "newer", faster laptop (Pentium 150 mhz rather =
than the old 386-25).

After installing, I tried to start it in DOS and got the 216 error which =
I believe refers to some memory conflict. The program loads fine under =
windows 98 but I've never run it under windows so I dont know if it =
actually works or not.

Anyone got any ideas on how I can clear up the conflicts? Do I just =
examine the config.sys and autoexec files and one by one rem out various =
commands?  Any help would be appreciated. If I cant clear the 216 error, =
will WF1B run under windows (i.e., will I be able to access the printer =
port etc to key my rig, etc?

The laptop is a Thinkpad 380D. Pentium-150 mhz with 80K of RAM and 2 =
gigs of hard drive. Before I got it, it was upgraded to Windows 98.=20

Happy New Year to all
73 de Dave, N0IT

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