[RTTY] ND in the ARRL RTTY Roundup
Marty Tippin
Wed, 01 Jan 2003 16:14:34 -0600
Just a reminder that NW0L will be active from North Dakota for the RTTY
Roundup, barring any unexpected blizzards, attacks from abominable snow
creatures or run-ins with that crazed killer from the movie "Fargo"... Tom
AE9B, Lee K0LW, Rick W0ZAP and myself are leaving Kansas City on Thursday
morning and plan to start setting up antennas early Friday morning.
The radios and amps are packed, the antennas and masts are strapped down in
the back of the trucks, and all that stands between us and our destination
is a brief side-trip to Burghardt's.
Please QSL NW0L via buro, or direct with SASE or IRCs (no SASE, no reply -
sorry guys!) Also please no eQSL requests.
Hope to work many of you in the Roundup!
-Marty NW0L