[RTTY] RTTY and FT1000MP Mk V
Jim Martin
Jim Martin" <MM0BQI@theRSGB.net
Thu, 2 Jan 2003 09:43:47 -0000
Happy New Year everyone!
I am having severe problems with the MkV and MMTTY on a busy band. When a
strong signal starts up many KC/s away the trace on the display drops almost
to zero and I have problems decoding the station I am listening to. The
IC746 works much better so I assume I have messed up some settings. I have
tried IPO on/off and AGC off, both help but not enough.
The MkV filters fitted are as follows
8.2 MHz 250Hz and 2.0KHz both Yaesu
455KHz 250 Hz(Yaesu) , 400Hz (Inrad), 1.8Khz (Inrad)
400Hz Inrad second RX
I am using FSK with the mode set to RTTY.
SSB and CW operation seems fine ( but maybe it should be better?)
Any comments on menu set-up and filter selection would be appreciated
because I am at my wits end with this one. I even looked at trading in for
a PRO!
Thanks and see you all in RU