Dick White ks0m@ktis.net
Fri, 3 Jan 2003 16:33:43 -0600

We evidently have more than one operation and manager for the R1ANF call.

This reflector has listed  UA1ANA and OH2BR.

I worked R1ANF on 25/09/02 and had a DL5 call as manager. The DL5 sent my
qsl back and said that RK1PWA is the manager. My qso was CW.

Do we have different managers for different modes and who is the correct
manager ??

73....Dick  /  KS0M

Richard C. "Dick" White         ks0m@ktis.net
Fulton,  MO. 65251

Amateur Radio Station - KS0M   (ex WB0WLX / KC0MV )
ARRL  Honor Roll / CW  -  5BDXCC / CW  #3295
Life Member American Radio Relay League