[RTTY] ARRL RTTY Roundup Score
Ron Kolarik
Ron Kolarik" <rkolarik@neb.rr.com
Sun, 5 Jan 2003 23:57:02 -0600
Call used: K0IDT
Location: NE
Entry Class: Single Op, All Band
Band QSOs Pts QTH DX
80 130 130 43 2
40 142 142 38 2
20 67 66 30 1
15 229 229 42 21
10 74 74 23 4
Total 642 641 57* 25*
* - Counted only once (not once per band)
Claimed Score: 52562
20m was a bust....S9+ noise both days but 40 and 80 were better
than they have been for a long time. Thanks to everyone for the
contacts under less than ideal conditions, I know my pipsqueak
signal needs some help....amp soon. Writelog computer died
just before the test and blew the rig power supply an hour in....
about normal I guess :). See you all next time.