Mon, 6 Jan 2003 18:59:07 EST
I bet a good few of you never thought you'd be seeing the results from the
TARA RTTY SPRINT this soon but this year is different! If you go to our
website you'll find that the results for 2002 have now been posted. Please
reveiew them at:
<A HREF="http://www.n2ty.org/rtty/scores_final.htm">http://www.n2ty.org/rtty/scores_final.htm</A>
1st KX7LDS 285 78 22230 MOABHP
2nd RW9C 220 68 14960 MOABHP
3rd LU3HY 120 50 6000 MOABHP
1st K4WW 200 69 13800 MOABLP
2nd YU7AL 66 34 2210 MOABLP
1st PJ2EL 384 79 30336 SOABHP
2nd K4GMH 311 83 25813 SOABHP
3rd 9A5W 286 77 22022 SOABHP
1st AA5AU 383 78 29874 SOABLP
2nd WX4TM 291 74 21534 SOABLP
3rd W4UEF 199 72 14328 SOABLP
1st M3OKU 14 10 140 NOV/TEC
There are a LOT of things that we're extremely grateful for this year.
However, the main thing is YOUR PARTICIPATION! For a club of our size to
generate this much excitement and on-the-air activity each year we need each
of you. Without the support this contest has received since 1991 we would
have never made it this far. That my friends is the plain & simple truth!
Also, we had a fair number of new folks in this year's contest, something we
can never get enough of. TARA tried out its "NEW & IMPROVED" On-line Score
Submission this year and it worked flawlessly! But, the main reason it was
successful was again because all of you took the time to use the system.
We have a few improvements that we'd like too try in the coming year and we
'll keep you informed over the next couple of months of any developments.
TARA greatly appreciates all of your suggestions on how to improve things, so
please keep them coming our way. We've always maintained that this IS NOT
TARA's contest, it belongs to every RTTY contester that actively participates
each year!
Please review the results and if there are any additions/corrections that
need to be made--please contact us immediately. I will wake until Friday
1/10/2003 before we begin printing the certificates, that should give
sufficient time to make any corrections. For those that participated on one
of the "Multi-Op" entries we have an offer for you. If you'll send me the
FULL NAMES & CALL SIGN of those that operated under that Multi-Op entry
we'll make sure that everyone gets a certificate!
There are a few folks I'd like to thank personally. First, we have Don Hill,
AA5AU, who each year tries his personal best to help/assist contesters from
around the world. In addition I believe Don has held 1st Place SOABLP title
for 7 years straight, certainly not an easy thing to do. If you're looking
for info on RTTY Don has one of the PREMIER website that a RTTY contester
should check out. If you've never been there, here is the link: <A HREF="http://www.aa5au.com/rtty">
Next, we have Shelby Summerville, K4WW, to acknowledge for his years of
contributions to TARA. You see over the year's TARA has been most fortunate
to have friends such as K4WW & AA5AU. Every time we've needed some additional
guidence and input these guys have been right there to answer the call.
Shelby's a fantastic contester and he's another person that is more than
willing to assist anyone that has questions. Also, he's very active on the
bands besides just RTTY. Get this, Shelby has 5BWAS, 5BDXCC, DXCC RTTY, WAZ
and WAC, pretty impressive!
TARA's RTTY Team consists of Karen Smith, KB2UUC; Joe Pasquini, N2NOU and Ed
Eades, KC2HNC, who heads up HF Digital Contesting on behalf of TARA. These 3
members are responsible for such things as tracking all of the scores that
are submitted, generating certificates, contest mailings, website
updates...etc etc. Over the last couple of years the improvement you've seen
are the results of these fine folks. As president of TARA I can only tell you
that these indivuals are great leaders and they make the RTTY contest what it
is today.
OK....that's it! We have another year behind us and now it's time to look
forward to the upcoming 12th - TARA RTTY SPRINT, coming this December 6 & 7,
If you'd like to review the results of this year's sprint or year's past you
should check out the following link. <A HREF="http://www.n2ty.org/rtty/">http://www.n2ty.org/rtty/</A>
Happy Contesting!
Bill Eddy - NY2U
President of TARA
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