[RTTY] WA9ALS "On Call" RR
WA9ALS - John
Sun, 5 Jan 2003 21:23:31 -0500
QSO Sta Prov Dx
80M 130 26 3 2
40M 50 10 2 6
20M 13 2 2 0
15M 10 2 0 2
10M 4 3 0 1
207 43 7 11 = 12,627 pts
OP TIME 4:35
I had to work this weekend. Calls kept me up most of the night, so I FEEL
like I contested all night, only I didn't! No fair!
>From here, the brief times I was on (last night and a little near the end
tonight), it sounded like a lot of activity, but not so much DX. It was
probably just me not being on at the best DX times.
New fun thing for me though last night - a run on 80M! I ran 120 Qs in 2
hrs (1R) - I've never done anything like that on 80M - I think 80M was good
for all that were there last night and some more even this evening. Heck,
even when I was VP5RY on North Caicos, I only worked 18 Qs on 80M. I was
using the HF9V and KW.
I also noticed when A45WD came back to me on a 40M run this evening about
5:45 EST - Heck it was still light here then - very unusual for me to work
Oman on 40M at that time of day - THANKS!
Loved these fellows:
- guy that kept asking me for my NR? When I explained I was "IN" and had no
number for him, he explained that he didn't have any other key to use except
- guy sending the time as part of the exchange
- guy sending both state and NR
Actually, as always, loved them all - Thanks for the fun! At least I didn't
get tempted to send Barry a HI file. Barry doesn't like it when we waste a
few msec sending him a "HELLO", but he will work 4 PSK stations in an hour.
Beats me. ;-) 73 All! John, WA9ALS