Jerry Flanders jeflanders@comcast.net
Wed, 08 Jan 2003 03:12:29 +0000

We are talking about the "K". The space preceding it in your example is 
absolutely required. When conditions are poor, I watch the MMTTY waterfall 
if I can't hear his carrier clearly. I think dropping the carrier is the 
only true test of when his transmission has ended. If he sends a "K" then 
remains in TX due to a malfunction, it does me no good to go ahead and 
reply just because he sent the "K'.  I haven't been able to come up with a 
reason to use the "K", and I have dropped it completely. "BK" as well. 
Doesn't the carrier tell all? Maybe I am missing something.

Every buffer I use has a space at the end, intentionally. Almost all have 
one at the beginning as well.

Jerry W4UK

At 18:46 1/7/03 -0600, Don Hill AA5AU wrote:
> > >your callsign like DE AA5AU AA5AU K.  Not necessarily DE AA5AU DE AA5AU K.
> >
> > Is the "K" really required here? Why?
> >
> > Jerry W4UK
> >
>Another excellent question and one that I've pondered.  In Roundup I did 
>not use
>a K at the end of my CQ message or at the end of my confirmation/QRZ message
>but I did but a space at the very end of those messages.  It seemed to 
>work out
>fine.  I did put BK at the end of my exchange buffer though.
>My thinking here is that sometimes when copy is not good, signal weak or QRM,
>I want something at the end to disguish that my transmission has 
>ended.  Heck, with
>MMTTY copying so good these days, sometimes it's hard to hear when a station
>ends his transmission.  I don't know that a K is necessary, but something, 
>at least a
>space is needed.
>There were a couple of stations that I saw that did not end their 
>transmission with a
>space or a K and it came out like DE AA5AURPTVIWBOESAZ.  So you can guess
>what got highlighted - AA5AURPTVIWBOESAZ.
>And if Jerry were to do it, it would come out DE W4UKRQBOERZELMOE or 
>You wouldn't know if it was W4UK or W4UKR.  Actually we would all know it was
>Jerry, but maybe on a new callsign, it might cause problems.
>Another good question though.  Good for discussion.
>73, Don
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