[RTTY] Cabrillo
Dick White
Wed, 15 Jan 2003 13:31:32 -0600
"You can always do like I do and NOT send in a log. I agree Cabrillo is
just too complicated for us old folk."
I don't know how old the person is who wrote the above, but I certainly do
not agree with him putting down those of use who are time enhanced. I had my
76th birthday last September and I have no trouble at all with the Cabrillo
format. Anyone that can properly operate a radio station should be able to
figure out how to make a Cabrillo file. I for one spent 15 bucks two years
ago and got the W4TI Cabrillo Converter. It is easy and simple to use.
>From what the author of the above says I now know why I have so many unique
calls in my logs.
73....Dick - KS0M
Richard C. "Dick" White ks0m@ktis.net
Fulton, MO. 65251
Amateur Radio Station - KS0M (ex WB0WLX / KC0MV )
ARRL Honor Roll / CW - 5BDXCC / CW #3295
Life Member American Radio Relay League