k7wm k7wm@i10net.com
Thu, 16 Jan 2003 03:00:20 -0000

Hi Mike. You wrote:
>is this new contest on? I have seen it on the NCJ webpage but read nothing
>about it anywhere else.  1800Z Feb 22 til 0600Z Feb 23


>73 de Mike K3FH
To answer your question, yes. An announcement of it was made on this
reflector back in October/November last year (right after decision was made
to have two (2) RTTY NAQP's a year). The announcement was also made in
several issues of the NCJ. But regardless of past history, there will be two
(2) NCJ RTTY NAQP's in 2003. This will bring the RTTY NAQP into line with
the CW/SSB NAQP's. The 2nd NAQP will remain at the same date as always,
i.e., third weekend in July. (July 19/20, 2003). Everyone should check the
rules out for the NAQP's. No changes made to rules per se, but changes were
made to make the multipliers more understandable and we are really asking
for all logs in Cabrillo format this year. Team registration is via the NCJ
web-site at www.ncjweb.com , follow the links to the team registration form.
Rules are also at this web-site. Logs are to be sent to: rttynaqp@ncjweb.com
. Hope to see everyone there. FYI, the SSB NAQP is this weekend. I found my
mike and am going to give it a whirl. (trying to induce the SSB/CW Contest
Directors to come play RTTY with us)..73 de
Wayne k7wm@i10net.com