[RTTY] BARTG Sprint AA5AU SO Expert HP

Don Hill AA5AU aa5au at bellsouth.net
Sun Jan 26 13:07:50 EST 2003

                   BARTG RTTY Sprint

Call: AA5AU
Operator(s): AA5AU
Station: AA5AU

Class: SO Expert HP
QTH: Louisiana
Operating Time (hrs): 7
Radios: SO2R

 Band  QSOs  Pts
   80:   43   43
   40:   61   61
   20:   83   83
   15:  160  160
   10:   43   43
Total:  390  390  Mults = 62  Total Score = 120,900



Didn't have much time to play in this one.  Had to work and do other things.  Condx
were pretty poor.  I missed ASIA somehow.  Heard A45WD and 4Z4DX but they
were S&P.  At about 0300Z I thought I would try to work a JA station on 20 but the
band was totally DEAD.  No signals anywhere...  so went to bed.

Congrats to George, W1ZT, on a fine effort.  Sorry I couldn't give you much
competition this year.

The test with the Belkin F5U103 was a complete success.  I did have one hang-up
but I'm pretty sure it was due to RFI when I was cranking 600 watts out on 80 meters.
I'll probably go Low Power in WPX next month, so not worried about the one lock up.
I'll test it again in XE next weekend.

The USB adapter gives me two free COM ports on the B computer so may connect
the 3rd TS870 and try SO3R for WPX since I have a complete set of individual band filters
to use on the 3rd radio.  I didn't like SO3R last time I did it, so maybe I'll just have the
radio set up in case of failure on any of the other two.  Should be interesting.  I need a
bigger desk!  Time to start designing one so I can use all these nice power tools I got for

Thanks for all the Q's.  See you in XE, then WPX.

73, Don AA5AU


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