Dick White ks0m at ktis.net
Mon Jan 27 15:48:14 EST 2003


I was surprised that I made 189 contacts. Got a late start, 1442z, and had to QRT at 0345z. Never found a ZL or VK. Just a few JA's and not very many from Europe. The propagation just was not at it's best in Missouri. I was pleased with my 40/80 meter numbers. But, most were North America. Be back for the next one.

73...Dick  KS0M  


    BARTG SPRINT            JANUARY,  2003


    Call used: KS0M

    Location:  MO

    Entry Class: Single Op, All Band

    Power Out:  40 watts

        Antennas: G5RV - 80/40  ;  4 ele. Yagi 10/15/20 


    Band    QSOs   Pts  Dist    DX   Cont.

    80        18    18     9     2

    40        48    48    15     3

    20        54    54    15     8    

    15        56    56    16    17      3

    10        13    13     6     5      3

   -----   ----  ----  ----  ----    -----

    Total    189   189    61    35      6


    189 x 96  (61+35) x 6  =  108864


    Claimed Score: 108864



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