MRBILL1953 at aol.com MRBILL1953 at aol.com
Mon Jun 9 22:36:05 EDT 2003


Let me introduce myself to you. My name is Karen Smith, KB2UUC, from 
Watervliet, New York and I've just been appointed as Press/Media Manager for TARA 
(Troy Amateur Radio Association). I'm very excited to have been selected for this 
position and I look forward to working with TARA's Contest Team. Also, I hope 
to establish a working relationship with each of you. If you ever have any 
questions that I could answer for you, feel free to drop me a note. We're going 
to work very hard this year to bring you the very best contesting program 
possible. And, in return I hope each of you will help me get the word out to the 
digital users worldwide. 

Now, for my first assignment. It seems I have a "Change of Date" for the 1st 
running of the Grid Dip Contest coming up. This contest was previously 
scheduled to take place on the 4th weekend in July, more precisely on July 26, 2003. 
This is NO LONGER true!! Thanks in part to a good number of you that alertly 
noticed a conflict with the Russian RTTY Contest on that weekend, we have 
changed our date. Our contest committee thought it would be disruptive and 
confusing to ALL of our faithful digital contesters to try and hold two digital 
contests at the same time. My friends the new date for the all "NEW"  Grid Dip 
Contest (The Shindig) will take place on Saturday,  August 2, 2003. I have included 
a revised press release below for all of you. I apologies on behalf of TARA 
for this error and any inconveniences that it has cause to you. However, we 
felt it was important to correct this matter immediately instead of letting it 
take place as originally announced. I'd like to once again thank the many that 
notified Ernie Mills, WM2U and Bill Eddy, NY2U, of this oversight. They too 
wish to express their apologies and they're making the corrections to the website 
as I write this message to you. Please take a peek at our new Four Seasons 
Contesting web page at <A HREF="http://www.n2ty.org/seasons/tara_seasons.html">http://www.n2ty.org/seasons/tara_seasons.html</A>  that the 
guy's have been working on. It has all of TARA's contests listed on one page, 
making it easier for you, the users! Let us know what you think of the web site 
and I'll pass the word on to the proper folks in charge. 

Thank you for reading this message and for your cooperation. I hope to see a 
lot of you in the contest soon. 

Karen Smith, KB2UUC
press-manager at n2ty.org

The TARA PSK-RTTY Grid Square contest (The Grid Dip). Sponsored by Troy ARA, 
0000z through 2400z, August 2, 2003, PSK31, PSK63 and RTTY on  
80,40,20,15,10,6 meters. Work stations once per band unless Rover has changed Locator.  
Exchange NAME, & 4 Digit Grid Locator.  Enter 1 of 5 categories. QRP, 5w max (RTTY 
5w max). Low, 20w max (RTTY 100w max).  High, 100w max (RTTY Legal Limit). 
Rover,  50w max (RTTY Legal Limit) as a portable or mobile station operating from 
more than one Grid Locator, or SWL. Single/single only. Call CQ Grid Dip. 
Final score is QSO points x  total different Grid Locators. Mults. count once per 
band.  To be valid, scores must be received via our online score submission 
form found at  <A HREF="http://www.n2ty.org/seasons/tara_grid_score.html">http://www.n2ty.org/seasons/tara_grid_score.html</A>  or 
e-mail Logs to grid-manager at n2ty.org, by the last entry date 30th August 
2003.  Logs must be available for review if requested.  Please read web rules for 
details on <A HREF="http://www.n2ty.org/seasons/tara_grid_rules.html">http://www.n2ty.org/seasons/tara_grid_rules.html</A>  for more info 
e-mail to Bill Eddy, ny2u at n2ty.org or Ernie Mills, wm2u at n2ty.org 

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