Robert McGwier rwmcgwier at comcast.net
Mon Jun 16 23:16:21 EDT 2003

It was indeed different.  My antenna is on the ground
for upgrade (4 element Steppir), so I had to use Gap Titan
Vertical and none of my wire antennas are up for the
low bands yet. The conditions were mostly out.  I will post
summary later but my gripe is with myself.  This was my first
contest using my own copy of Writelog rather than operating
Multi-? where someone else set up the program.  I forgot
to enter my zone and made several other mistakes.  I hope
all of them are as easy as my zone to fix.  I knew I had
a problem when I had 0 QSO points and only my VK points!
After entering my zone and recomputing it was much more
acceptable score but there are a couple of funnies that
are clearly my fault.

The laugh is definitely on me and I had fun with the
all new setup here as well by the end of the weekend.

Bob N4HY

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