Torben Kahr OZ9GA at dixit.dk
Tue Jun 17 11:58:44 EDT 2003

Call: OZ9GA
Class: SOST LP

Operating Time (hrs): 30

  Band  QSOs  Pts   Mults
    80:   53   191    19
    40:   81   418    29
    20:  257  2324    70
    15:   95  1100    44
    10:    7   142     6
Total:  493  4175   168  Continents = 6  Total Score = 4,209,000

First contest worked with WriteLog - very satisfied with it.
Tnx to 9A3ZI and UN7PBY worked on all 5 bands.
First time worked SA on 40 M, 3 PT stations.
Bad condx especially to NA on 15 M. And on 10 M generally.

Tnx for all QSO's ----   73 de OZ9GA Torben

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