[RTTY] Lack of RTTY activity from Caribbean!

Shelby Summerville k4ww at arrl.net
Tue Jun 24 07:25:16 EDT 2003

"Tim Pearson" <ku4j at hiwaay.net> wrote: "I've been RTTY DXing for a little
over a year and I've noticed a definite lack of activity from the Caribbean.

I haven't worked J3, J6, J7, J8, VP2E, 8R, 6Y.  What gives!?  I'm
challenging anyone to activate these countries ;-)

p.s. 8R1Z, Len said he was putting his station back together and should be
QRV in a week or two.


WOW...RTTY DXing for "a little over a year"? In this age of "instant
gratification", should "we" expect to "work them all" during one weekend?
I'm surprised all those countries weren't available to be worked during any
of the major, 48 hour, RTTY contest's? I've been fortunate enough, in 5
years, to have worked/confirmed all you listed, except 8R1Z.  Len, 8R1Z,
seemingly has no interest in answering direct QSL requests, presuming he
gets them? My direct QSL requests have been ignored, and I refuse to
contribute more to the 8R economy!

C'Ya, Shelby

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