[RTTY] Lost Opportunity?

Frank ZL2BR ditdah at infogen.net.nz
Sat Jun 28 00:52:30 EDT 2003

In just 8 days from now we have the new DL RTTY contest. 

Looking at the rules it seems to me that the point/multipliers are 
just like many other contests, in fact they are exactly the same as 
the SARTG and Anatolian, with a few bonus points for working 
DL's, and are in a word - boring!

IMHO an opportunity has been lost to introduce an new innovative 
points/multiplier system that will stimulate and promote inter-
continental activity and contacts. I have a feeling that all that is 
going to happen, as is does in many contests, is that the EU 
stations (and maybe N. American stations to a limited degree), will 
be busy most of contest working each other on 5 bands, and when 
they get fed up with that, they will try and work some dx.

What do others think ?   Especially those of you not living in Europe 
or North America!

73, Frank ZL2BR

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