[RTTY] RTTY Sprint: rework the same station vs. move to another band

Bill Turner w7ti at dslextreme.com
Fri Mar 7 06:53:30 EST 2003

On Fri, 7 Mar 2003 07:07:19 -0500, WW3S wrote:

>I thought the intent of the rule to allow you to work the same
>station on RTTY was to increase participation and that moving mults to
>different bands was allowed and the true intent was to have the three
>contact separation on the same band.


I believe you can move the station to another band, but it would not be
a new mult since states/provinces/NA countries only count once, not once
per band.

My interpretation of the three-contacts rule is that it allows you to
work what would otherwise be a dupe if three contacts separate the two
Qs, regardless of band.  For example, I work you on 20, QSY to 40 and
work three stations, QSY back to 20 and work you again.  That would be
legal, IMO, if you had also worked three stations to avoid duping me.

We'll wait for W4OX with the official say-so.

Bill, W7TI

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