Dr. Wolf-E. Gruening dl6jz at t-online.de
Tue Mar 18 21:52:24 EST 2003

Hi all,

it was a nice weekend again from the one point of view: Meeting a lot of hams in a friendly atmosphere is really fine.

But on the other side I was a little bit frustrated: No conds on 10 m, no U.S.-stn on 80 m and a full missplanning of my time table. So I had the last three hours of the contest in my operating time, but no QSO!  So I went to bed 1.5 hours before the end. This should not happen again.

Sponsored by British Amateur Radio Teledata Group.

CALL: DL6JZ                       Country: GERMANY

      QSOs   DX   Call Areas
80m:   121   33      1
40m:   112   37      7
20m:   190   50     18
15m:   142   37     20
10m:    28   21      5
Total: 593   
Continents:  6
Total multipliers: 229 
Score:  814782
Station Description: FT-1000MP + h.m. PA (400 watts)
Antenna(s):          3 ele Tribander / dipole
Operators:           DL6JZ

Software: WriteLog 10.40J + MMTTY-Plugin + MMTTY 1.62

Highlghts: 5-Band-QSO's with 5B4AGN, 5B4AHA, A45WD, VY2SS; DP1POL on 10 m; ZL2AMI with an extraordinary outstandig signal on 40 m on sunday at 0700 Z.
Lowlights: Nothing heard from HH4-team and couldn't get H44V, the pile up was to massive for the op.

Some guys described non-efficient operating practices in the past RTTY contests. O.K. there are all the needed hints and rules published in this reflector. But those hams are beginners. They don't know anything about this reflector. They prepared their rig for the RTTY mode and want to see how it goes. If they make positive experiences in our comunity and see that RTTY contesting is not a bloody fight one against the others they will be encouraged and they want to learn more and more. I am not sure if I should remember my operating stile in my first contests -:)

See you in the ANARTS.

73 + 55
Wolf, DL6JZ

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