[RTTY] re: the Black Hole

Tom Moore wx4tm at tm-moore.com
Wed May 28 06:44:19 EDT 2003

Lived there for a while.. 6 yrs in Iowa back in the 80's.. put up a 50ft 
tower and tribander.. never heard much.. seldom heard anything at 
all!!.. it just sat there most of the time..

Whoever, at the FCC, assigned the 'ZERO' to that part of the country 
knew exactly what he was doing..  No wonder we have so many DXpeditions 
going there.. It really is a foreign country!!

There's been many theories suggesting why its so bad..
Mine is that the natural ground is messed up by all the chemicals used 
by the commerical farmers and the resulting negative excrements from the 
cow and pig farms.. hi hi.. (whatever you do, don't ride a motorcycle 
down a back road in Iowa)..

like I said.. lived there for 6 yrs.. finally wised up and got at first 
opportunity!! Hi..


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