[Fwd: Re: [RTTY] Upcoming Kure operation]

Gary D Elliott k7ox at pipeline.com
Sat Oct 11 06:24:10 EDT 2003

The Navy was on Kure First !... I was a member of the first DXpedition to
Kure in 1960 and the call used was KH6ECD. The DXpedition was made up of 6
Navy Personnel.  In fact we gave a Conditional Class exam to one of the
Coast Guard personnel, I believe he was a cook and the call KH6EDY was then
issued for the Coast Guard Station on Kure.  In addition I made two more
trips to Kure signing W7UXP/KH6 and also KH6HCM/KH6, so Tom you were correct
with the Navy bit.  It still remains a separate country but not because of
your explanation.

73 Gary K7OX

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tom Osborne" <w7why at charter.net>
To: "RTTY" <rtty at contesting.com>
Sent: Saturday, October 11, 2003 03:20
Subject: Re: [Fwd: Re: [RTTY] Upcoming Kure operation]

> Hi Gang
> Thanks for all the info on KH7.  And I appologize to all the Coast
> Guard guys I offended by saying the Navy was on Kure :-)
> I would of sworn it went back to KH6 when it went back to Hawaii.
> Anyway, I'll be looking for it on rtty.  That would be a new one
> onthat mode.
> Tom W7WHY
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