[RTTY] JARTS Cabrillo log using WT4I Carbrillo Tools

Richard Ferch ve3iay at rac.ca
Fri Oct 24 00:27:52 EDT 2003

WA2ETU siad:

> It appears to me that there is an error in the WT4I cabrillo conversion
> JARTS.  I believe the RST Sent, Age Sent, and Call Received are shifted
> character to the right relate to the template supplied for JARTS.  Can
> anyone confirm this and doesn't this make the logs unusable?

Having some columns off by one doesn't necessarily make the logs unusable.
The log checking software could be written simply to look for spaces as
delimiters between the various fields, or it could be written to look for
every single field starting in the correct column, or it could be written to
look for only one or two fields in the right place and everything else just
space-delimited. Only the log checkers know for sure, and the only real test
is whether your log is accepted by the robot or not.

My own theory is that the columns on the JARTS web site ended up that way
because of a typo. If you look carefully, you'll see that the JARTS format
allows for a 12-character sent call sign, a space, a three-character RST, a
space, a 6-character age (the last four are always blank), a space, then a
14-character received callsign, a space, a three-character RST, a space, and
finally the received age. That is, there is room for fields of lengths of up
to 12, 3, 6, 14, 3, 6 characters.

Can you think of any logical reason why the sent and received call sign
lengths are different? I sure can't.

The "generic" Cabrillo format, as produced by WT4I and as used in many
contests including ARRL DX and CQ WW, has fields of length 13, 3, 6, 13, 3,
6. The JARTS format looks just like this generic format except for one
character moved from the sent call sign to the received call sign.

However, my theorizing is irrelevant. If people have been using WT4I and
having their logs accepted (after editing the CONTEST:, CATEGORY: and
ARRL-SECTION: lines in the header, of course), then the off-by-one column
probably doesn't matter, but the only ones who can tell us for sure are the
log checkers.


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