[RTTY] RITTY by K6STI on a floppy disk

Jerry Flanders jeflanders at comcast.net
Sat Oct 25 14:39:11 EDT 2003

> > Today while fooling around with my second computer, I discovered an
> > amazing thing about it.  RITTY can be run entirely from a floppy 
> disk,<SNIP>

At 12:45 10/25/03, wa9als at starband.net wrote:

>Bill, that IS interesting!  Figure out how to get it working with WriteLog

Pull down the "TU Type" menu in the Rttyrite window, see the "RITTY in DOS 
Window" option. I don't use RITTY, but looks like it is already provided for.

K6STI provided an early version evaluation copy for me to play with a 
couple years ago. I remember it had one neat feature that no other program 
had - it could be set to show both the decoded letters and figures 
characters at the same time. Really great for guys like me who have 
problems translating TOO to 599.

Jerry W4UK

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