Casper Caduff caduff at spin.ch
Tue Oct 28 07:34:06 EST 2003

This was my last bigger RTTY-Contest. I think, the conditions was very bad.
I made 375 QSO's in 22 hours. During the night, I had about 10-12 grad in my
shack. I wont QRV in the CQWW-SSB (this was in the last 3 years my last
contest) but the snow was coming Thursday.


Call used: HB9AWS
Location:  7126 Castrisch (on my ranch)
Age Sent:  51

Entry Class B: Single Op, All Band, Low Power

Band    QSOs   Pts  Dist    DX
80        80   161     0    28
40        89   186     7    28
20       105   222     3    36
15        91   219    11    27
10        10    27     1     8
-----   ----  ----  ----  ----
Total    375   815    22   127


Claimed Score: 121435

Software:       RTTY by WF1B  v5.02
Transceiver:    Icom IC-706MKIIG
Antenna:        Windom
Power from:     Solar-battery and petrol generator
Operating time: 22h
Power Output:   50

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