[RTTY] dumb question

Jay Townsend ws7i at ewarg.org
Mon Sep 29 02:30:43 EDT 2003

You can actually fix the fill-ins it just takes some work. Look in the
cty.dat file for K5ZD for an example.  The fill in of zones is actually
backward in Writelog and always has been for RTTY as STATE is in the
exchange it should fill from State to Zone as in most cases that is much
better than from call to zone.

It doesn't work 100% either tho.  The West is also messed up as Montana in
7 land isn't in Zone 3. Lots of the South is hard as well. Goes to show you
that copying the full exchange is part of the game.  

If you are messing with the cty file, then its likely that you had best
study up on the manual :-)  See convert cty to Writelog !!!

I had added np3d to the U.S. some time back as he is in NY and for some
reason the block NP3? seems rather out of sort some are in KP4 and some

I note that there are some CTY fixes for Russians in my files.  Not sure if
they are part of my Cabrillo stuff or what as its all sort of mixed up here
from my log checking day's.

At 05:24 PM 9/28/03 -0700, Bill Turner wrote:
>On Sat, 27 Sep 2003 19:00:51 -0500, "WA9ALS - John"
><wa9als at starband.net> wrote:
>>In the CQWWRTTY, WriteLog
>>pre-fills the zone for you, so all you have to do is click on the state.
>Be careful here.  Especially in the southern US, WriteLog often gets
>it wrong.

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