[RTTY] W1AW/90 RTTY and LoTW

Ford, Steve, WB8IMY sford at arrl.org
Fri Apr 9 13:37:16 EDT 2004

The QSLs will use the call sign W1AW/90. For those responding with paper QSLs (with SASE), there will be a special W1AW/90 card.
You should see W1AW/90 confirmations appearing in LoTW about a week from now.
73 . . . Steve, WB8IMY

	-----Original Message----- 
	From: rtty-bounces at contesting.com on behalf of Don Inbody 
	Sent: Fri 4/9/2004 12:21 PM 
	To: 'rtty-contesting' 
	Subject: RE: [RTTY] W1AW/90 RTTY and LoTW

	Are they QSLing as W1AW or W1AW/90.  I can't see that they have uploaded any
	/90 info on LOTW.
	Don Inbody/AD0K
	Buda, TX (EM10bc)
	QSL via LotW and eQSL
	-----Original Message-----
	From: rtty-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:rtty-bounces at contesting.com] On
	Behalf Of Richard Kriss
	Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 11:07
	To: rtty-contesting
	Subject: Re: [RTTY] W1AW/90 RTTY and LoTW
	Thanks for the response.  You were doing great and really had a RTTY pile up
	going.  The W1AW/90 is a neat project and will continue to draw attentions.
	At first I though I screwed up the LoTW upload or did something wrong. Joe,
	NJ1Q, is probably double checking to make sure everything is correct before
	the batch upload to LoTW.
	Many of us are spoiled with the online logs that are updated daily by the
	recent DX operations. The daily updates are great provided your CALL makes
	the list. I worked the 3B9C on 15 meter RTTY and when my QSO failed to show
	up on the list the next day I worked them again. Several days later my RTTY
	QSOs started showing up on line.
	I enjoyed working W1AW/90 and feel many others will too.
	73 Dick, AA5VU
	On 4/8/04 4:16 PM, "Ford, Steve,  WB8IMY" <sford at arrl.org> wrote:
	> I was one of the W1AW/90 RTTY operators earlier this week. Although I'm
	> involved in log management, I believe they will be batch loading them into
	> LoTW on a regular basis. The logging is networked between the various W1AW
	> operating studios and they are still smoothing the rough edges. Joe
	> the W1AW station manager (jcarcia at arrl.org), can give you a better
	estimate of
	> when the logs will be uploaded to LoTW.
	> 73 . . . Steve, WB8IMY
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