[RTTY] Need 12-Pin A/B Swich

Richard Kriss aa5vu at arrl.net
Mon Apr 12 08:06:15 EDT 2004

I am getting tired of having to pull and change the 13-Pin ACCY plug and
cable to change from using the PK-232 to the SignaLink interface PSK.  I
wonder if someone has a better solution. The Timewave PK-232/PSK mod is not
a solution because their PC software solution to keying the radio will not
work with a Mac.

I have looked and cannot find 13-Pin DIN A/B switch that would solve my
problem.  I have an old PC A/B switch that could be modified but I would
rather just buy new switch.  I have looked and cannot fine a female 13-Pin
DIN that I could use to modify an old PC A/B switch.

I hate soldering to 13-Pin DIN plugs used by Kenwood and Icom

Dick, AA5VU

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