[RTTY] poor signals and soundcards performance/calibration

f6irf at free.fr f6irf at free.fr
Fri Apr 23 04:10:06 EDT 2004

Hi Goetz
Yes, you are probably right... by the way I only saw the PTC2 but never used it.
I was thinking about the SCS pactor1(*) modem, which we have used for a couple 
of years here at QRL (92-99), after having used ICS AMT3 / TOR1 Sitor-modems 
also for a couple of years, and before the HAL DSP4100 (but now data over HF is 
almost history...). 

Cu on soon the air - 73's Patrick
(*)Maybe the reason why I am allergic to this mode now!  

Quoting DJ3IW Goetz <dj3iw at t-online.de>:

> To the best of my knowledge(PTC-II handbook), the PTC-II does NOT use
> analog filters for RTTY/AMTOR/Pactor.
> 73 de Goetz

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