Casper Caduff caduff at spin.ch
Mon Aug 23 23:24:14 EDT 2004

Dear RTTY-Friends

I was only in the first 2 parts QRV. On Sunday morning we were go home,
because our son HB9TOC Daniel must go in a practical week by the biggest
tunnel in Sitzerland to learn measure. He study building engeneer since one
year. He was also QRV on the first part of contest. And so, I was not so
much QRV.

We hope together, to be QRV next weekend in the SCC contest. The conditions
were bad for me, highlights YB2EMK, KP4JRS and HI3TEJ.

All together many thanks for the contacts from
HB9AWS Casper

SARTG WW RTTY Contest 2004

Call used: HB9AWS (father of HB9TOC)
Location:  7126 Castrisch (on my ranch)

Entry Class A: Single Op, All Band

Band    QSOs   Pts  Dist    DX
80        38   380     0    18
40        31   325     2    21
20        53   590     5    23
15         9   115     1     7
10         0     0     0     0
-----   ----  ----  ----  ----
Total    131  1410     8    69


Claimed Score: 108570

Software:     RTTY by WF1B  v5.02
Transceiver:  Icom IC-706MKIIG
Antenna:      Windom
Power from:   Solar-battery and petrol generator
Power Output: 50

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