Shelby Summerville k4ww at arrl.net
Thu Dec 9 05:47:54 EST 2004

"Larry L Lindblom" <llindblom at juno.com> wrote: "Just wondering who else in
RTTY land plans to dig out a microphone and/or keyer to play in ARRL 10 Mtr
test this weekend."

I do have a microphone, and I know where it is, although it hasn't had much
use, lately. I plan, depending on conditions, a "casual" low power, mixed
mode, effort.
While y'all have the microphone and key(er) out, don't misplace them, and
put them to use again, in January. NAQPCW, January 8-9, 1800-0600. NAQPSSB,
January 15-16, 1800-0600. The NAQPCW is in direct conflict with RTTY
Roundup, but no RTTY contest listed for January 15-16. I'm sure that our
CW/SSB counterparts will appreciate the contacts, and hopefully, will
reciprocate in February NAQPRTTY.

C'Ya, Shelby - K4WW

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