[RTTY] No RTTY Forum at Dayton 2004
Waldemar DK3VN
dk3vn at nexgo.de
Thu Feb 5 00:09:48 EST 2004
WI8W wrote:
> Humm, so much for their new all volunteer effort.
> Somebody at the Hamvention dropped the ball. Maybe they are looking a
> decreasing the crowd some more.
> being relatively new to RTTY I was looking forward to the Forum this year.
> Now I don't know if th RTTY bunch is big enough to support it but what
> we do (QRPARCI - www.qrparci.org) for the QRP crowd is that we
> commandeer the whole hotel we stay in beginning on Thursday and have all
> day seminars at the hotel dealing with just about every subject related
> to QRP. That is if we can get enough presenters. We generally run from
> 8am to 4pm with a hour break around noon. We have done this for several
> years now and have never had any problem getting speakers.
> Maybe this is a option, provided someone get the RTTY group a hotel to
> commandeer. Imagine having a all day seminar session just for RTTY.
> 73
> Thom WI8W
> Awards Manager QRPARCI
Hmm .. that's a good idea, if Frank, N2FF don't find a solution
at the Arena!
As Ron, K5DJ recently said: "As for a Hospitality room, the Ramada
Inn (Dayton North) has a meeting room, dunno how big it is, if
someone wants to get it I will kick in a few bucks ..."
OK, will kick in a few bucks too! Don't know how many RTTY HAM's
are staying at that hotel? I am going to Dayton for the 5'th time
year after year and can't believe, what happened ... ~:)
73 de Waldemar, DK3VN
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