[RTTY] 2004 CQ WPX RTTY Logs

W6OTC w6otc at garlic.com
Fri Feb 20 01:16:17 EST 2004

Although just 4 days have passed since this contest ended, we have already
received almost 600 logs via e-mail.  This promises to be another
record-breaking year for RTTY WPX logs.

If you used a paper log or contest software that does not produce a
Cabrillo-format log, you can now, courtesy of Bruce, WA7BNM, enter the
results manually on the web and have the proper log created.  This is a
further development of the tool that Bruce created for the ARRL RR contest
in January.  It is available at the following address:
http://www.b4h.net/cabforms/wpxrtty_cab.php .

We hope to receive logs, large or small, from all who participated.

73, Glenn, W6OTC

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