[RTTY] Ritty with Writelog

Jerry Flanders jeflanders at comcast.net
Mon Jan 5 21:14:39 EST 2004

Yes it is possible, but not straightforward:

I remember doing some tests with a demo version (probably 3, but not sure) 
on a separate computer. I set ritty to output to a serial port and then 
connected a serial cable from that to the serial port I was using on the 
Writelog computer. I had it working, but decided it was too much hassle and 
expense to use it this way full time. Also, about that time MMTTY came out 
which seemed to work about as well with the same setup. Probably if I had 
$100 in ritty already I would have continued with it, because it had some 
neat features - it is the only program I have ever used that allowed me to 
see both shifts of the data at the same time (i.e, TOO and 599 
simultaneously). I miss that feature. The second computer was not a problem 
- I had an extra old one - slow, but ritty worked FB.

Jerry W4UK

At 20:01 1/5/04, Ian McCloy wrote:
>i have version 2.38 of Ritty by K6STI does anyone know if it is possible 
>to use this version with Writelog
>thanks Ian VA7SW//VE7IRA

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