[RTTY] 2004 RTTY Roundup -lets stir the pot again!

Barry w2up at mindspring.com
Sat Jan 10 15:40:27 EST 2004

On 10 Jan 2004 Jerry Flanders wrote:

> At 03:48 1/10/04, W6WRT wrote:
> >Well, I think there should be a premium put on ops who copy RTTY by
> >ear only!  That's right, no computer, no model 19, no nothing but pen
> >and paper....
> Off Topic, because I am actually serious this time: I think that, with
> enough time on the bands, most guys would eventually get where they
> could copy a little rtty by ear. The CQ is easy to spot after you have
> heard a few thousand, as is your own callsign and the RY string. This
> tells me it could probably ALL be copied just as well as high speed CW
> if a person actually practiced it.
> Jerry W4UK

I"ve been doing RTTY long enough where I can "copy" (recognize) my 
callsign, 599, CQ and RYRY by ear.  I can also tune in a RTTY signal 
without using any tuning aids.  I'm sure other long-time RTTYers can 
do the same, if not more.
Barry, W2UP--
Barry Kutner, W2UP              Internet: w2up at mindspring.com
Newtown, PA                     Frankford Radio Club

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