Phil Cooper pcooper at guernsey.net
Sun Jul 4 16:01:34 EDT 2004

Hi all,

After meeting so many good friends last weekend, it was good to make contact
again this weekend.
Just a pity that the propagation was rather poor at the start of the
contest! Not that it improved that much either!

I had considered playing in the 6-hour section, but decided to do more, just
to increase my standing in the RWRL list.
Not so sure that was a wise decision after all, as the first hours of the
contest were real hard work. In the evening, I had a "works" do, and by thr
time I got home, I didn't feel like playing radio, so got up early this
morning and continued.
Conditions were still not good, but I did manage KH6GMP (tnx Gary) and also
ZL2AMI. I also heard Dick KS0M, plus a couple of W7's, and in the main, the
easiest W's to work were those in the "black hole" area!
Saw Don AA5AU, but just could not get heard. I guess this was down to using
the G5RV instead of the beam.

I did try CQ'ing now and again, but most times I just got trodden on by the
"big boys".

It really was good to actually meet so many of you last weekend in FHFN, and
then to work you again this weekend. I have to thank Waldemar DK3VN and
Peter DL2YCA (+XYL Sandra) for their hospitality last week, it was amazing.

Anyway, here is what I managed for about 10 - 12 hours on the radio:
Class C
QTH: Guernsey
Operating Time (hrs): 10-ish

 Band  QSOs  Pts   Mults
   80:       0     0        0
   40:      17   197      8
   20:    150  1738    51
   15:     27   292     15
   10:     1      10        1
Total:  195  2237    75  Total Score = 167,775


Thanks to all for the points, and for struggling with my weak signals.

73 for now

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