f6irf at free.fr f6irf at free.fr
Mon Jul 12 06:10:27 EDT 2004

Hello TTY-freaks,
Many TTY-contest-tenors did not take part in this one... 
Probably a good decision, looking at the poor rates. However many new stations 
in the log, and again a few good surprises, so this is a good sign that TTY 
activity keeps growing... 
Anyway thanks to the "Scottish-Russians" for organizing, and hope this contest 
will find a better place in the calendar and a higher number of participants 
(especialy in UK...)
Have nice hollidays and see you in the SARTG... 
73's - Patrick  

----- Forwarded message from webform at b4h.net -----
    Date: Mon, 12 Jul 2004 02:15:24 -0700
    From: webform at b4h.net
Reply-To: f6irf at free.fr
      To: 3830 at contesting.com, f6irf at free.fr

                    UK DX Contest, RTTY

Call: F6IRF
Operator(s): F6IRF
Station: F6IRF

Class: SOAB HP
Operating Time (hrs): 12

 Band  QSOs  Pts  Mults
  160:    0    0      0
   80:   11   18    8+2
   40:   18   41   14+2
   20:  157  417  40+12
   15:   52  140   21+8
   10:   13   32   11+2
Total:  251  659    120  Total Score = 79,080

Club: CDXC


rig IC765proII - HB 2x 4cx250 PA (400w)
Optibeam OB6-3M (2el/bd) at 12m - Inv-V dipoles at 18m 
N1MM Logger V4.0.61

Low activity and poor conditions did not help to make this new contest a great
event... On top of that, 40m was unusable due to high CW activity and the
spectrum edges (10 & 80) remained almost "rtty-free" (despite 10m E's open most
of the time, with high CW activity). Did not even consider trying 160 (Data
segment full of SSB stations - btw 1 SSB station is enough to make it full;-) 
With 95% of the activity concentrated in the segment 14080-090 and poor DX condx
during the day, 12 hours were more than enough ! 
The rare good surprises of the weekend are called: 5W0DL, FO5PS, 7Z1SJ and TG9SM
(all on 20). Also many new stations (not in the rtty master.dta), so this is a
good sign that TTY activity keeps growing...
Hope this contest can find a better place in the calendar,  that more UK
stations can join and that they all learn about their area - could not log
several UK stations as they came back with 001style report or invalid area ;-) 

Anyway thanks to all who called, see you in the next one... and happy hollidays,
if you are taking them...

PS: Upgraded N1MM - noted a few improvements... Only problems experienced are
probably due to unsufficient memory on my laptop (software getting very slow,
until reboot...). Wanted to try the SO2V features (S&P while CQ'ing using the
trx dual-watch), but the 2 VFO's handling is not really operational (at least
with the 756), so gave-up...
At least the dupes are now removed from the QSO summary, and the new statistics
screen  is a great feature. Also finaly found that you have to set CI-V trans to
OFF to get good bandmap response (the opposite with mixW... works better with
CI-V trans ON).
Anyway great value for money!

 Band    QSOs   Pts  Cty   SEC
         3.5      11    29    8    2
           7      18    41   14    2
          14     157   417   40   12
          21      52   140   21    8
          28      13    32   11    2
       Total     251   659   94   26

UKDX RTTY - 2004-07-10 1200Z to 2004-07-11 1200Z - 259 QSOs
F6IRF Max Rates:
2004-07-10 1239Z - 2.0 per minute (1 minute(s)), 120 per hour by F6IRF
2004-07-10 1357Z - 1.0 per minute (10 minute(s)), 60 per hour by F6IRF
2004-07-10 1451Z - 0.6 per minute (60 minute(s)), 34 per hour by F6IRF

UKDX RTTY - 2004-07-10 1200Z to 2004-07-11 1200Z - 259 QSOs
F6IRF Runs >10 QSOs:
2004-07-10 1352 - 1409Z,   21087 kHz, 14 Qs, 49.9/hr F6IRF
2004-07-10 1448 - 1511Z,   14092 kHz, 13 Qs, 34.5/hr F6IRF
2004-07-10 1948 - 2017Z,   14079 kHz, 19 Qs, 40.5/hr F6IRF
2004-07-10 2207 - 2228Z,   14081 kHz, 14 Qs, 39.8/hr F6IRF

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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