[RTTY] Back Home

Larry L Lindblom llindblom at juno.com
Tue Jul 13 20:09:59 EDT 2004

I'm back home on the 3 Acres between P Hill and Runnels.. Iowa a great
feeling to be where I belong!  Sunday 1 PM Dr Devick-internist came.  We
talked about the recently crazy blood sugars, agreed I could monitor
them, work on them at home and started a new sliding scale of NPH with
Lantius starting at 10 units and increasing 2 ever 2 days until we hit a
good spot.  I'll see him in a week.  Dr Brown haematologist covering for
mine while on vacation arrived at 3:30 and said three days+ of normal
temp so no reason to stay.  Also, final blood cultures found zero
problems, and I could be discharged with a appointment for Nuprogin and
lab at 10 AM today.  Urologist, Dr. Jagpudy(?).  He said see him is 30
days.  By 5:20 I was out the door and home at 5:45 PM.  Back to the
doctor or hospital for my daily nupegon injection.

Hopefully I'll stay here long enough to give it a decent shot from IA.

73 Larry L


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