llindblom at juno.com llindblom at juno.com
Mon Jul 19 07:03:02 EDT 2004

Probably one or more of he SO2R guys trying to get their S&P frequency back.  To me if it is vacant for more than 60 secobds it belongs to who ever CQs on it.

73 Lar


-- Reid Hill <kc5ykx at swbell.net> wrote:
Opened up on 15M. Wow what a wasteland that band was.
I like 15M for some good mults to start but not this
time. 20 was very strange from here. It was if the
band was shrinking short and then it would go long and
then short. I noticed this when I was running and had
what I thought was a clear freq and then all of a
sudden I was not alone. I saw this also while S&Ping
and seeing 2 to 3 stations on top of one another. I
can only assume this is what happened to them as well
because you really do not see that kind of freq fight
in the RTTY contest otherwise. 40 was a mad house.
Lots of stations to work and lots of noise to keep me
from it. 80...well I have an 80 meter "antenna" but at
35' it does not do very well...oh well what can I do
on a small city lot. Overall it was fun and I look
forward to the next NAQP RTTY in February.

Call: KC5YKX
Operator(s): KC5YKX
Station: KC5YKX
Class: Single Op LP
QTH: Gulf Coast of Texas
Operating Time (hrs): 8
 Band  QSOs  Mults
   80:   12    10
   40:   67    34
   20:  139    42
   15:   24    16
   10:    8     6
Total:  250   108  Total Score = 27,000
Club: Central Texas DX and Contest Club
Team: Austin Powers

FT1000MP MK5 @ 100 watts
TH3MK3 @ 12 meters
40/80 Trapped V at 10 meters
Writelog w/ MMTTY and Rigblaster pro using FSK

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