Shelby Summerville k4ww at arrl.net
Thu Jun 24 05:01:55 EDT 2004

"Mark Perrin" <mperrin at ordata.com> wrote: "I plan to work RTTY this weekend
from home (1D IL)"

"4.6. (Class D) Home stations: Stations operating from permanent or licensed
station locations using commercial power. Class D stations may only count
contacts made with Class A, B, C, E and F Field Day stations."

As contacts between "D" stations are "zero points", if/when you are calling
CQ, you add the "1D IL" to your CQ buffer, it will save other "D" stations
from calling you? I have long felt that the requirement for "D" stations to
use the "D" in their CQing, should be an addition to FD Rules?

C'Ya, Shelby

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