VSH(RW4WZ) vsh at udm.net
Wed Jun 30 12:07:53 EDT 2004

-----Original Message-----
From: Алексей Мирющенко [mailto:rw3dfq at radio.ru]
Sent: Wednesday, June 30, 2004 7:08 PM
To: VSH; dj3iw at t-online.de; Egon Jonson; Jose A Rivera

Dear OM,

Thanks a lot for your participation in RUSSIAN ?RADIO│ RTTY WW CONTEST
2003! We invite you to join this year event.

Starting 2004 this contest is moved to the first Saturday of
September, contest period is decreased to 24 hours, contest logs are
simplified and SOSB entry terms are clarified. Other contest rules are
the same as they were for previous year. Please modify your contest

Date: 00.00 v 24.00 UTC September 4, 2004

Bands: 10 v 80 meters, no WARC bands.

Mode: RTTY, one contact with same station on each band is permitted.

Entry: single OP v all bands, single OP v single band, multi OP v all
bands v single TX, SWL. . Single OP v single band stations may operate
during contest on all bands and claim score only for one band.

Contest exchange: Russian stations v RST plus two letters (oblast
designator), all others v RST plus WAZ zone.

Points: 5 points for QSO inside own continent, 10 for contacts outside
own continent.

Multiplier: Each Russian oblast and DXCC country gives 1 point for
multiplier on each band.

Score: The sum of QSO points is multiplied by the sum of multiplier
points to obtain the final contest score.

Log: Cabrillo format logs are preferred but other ASCII logs are
acceptable too. No dupe or multiplier lists are now required. E-mail
address is contest at radio.ru . Please send logs as attachment and
include your call-sign in ?Subject│ field. Address for paper logs is:
?Radio│ Magazine, Seliverstov per. 10, 107045 Moscow, Russia. The
deadline for logs is October 4, 2004 (postmarked).

Awards: The SOAB winner will be awarded with medal, MOAB winner v with
plaque. Additional medals for SOSB entries may be issued if contest
activity returns. Their runners up as well as country leaders will be
awarded with contest certificates.

Results of 2003 year contest and photo of awards can be found at
http://www.radio.ru/cq/contest/result/2003-12.shtml .

                                                    "Radio" Magazine

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