[RTTY] makrothen: another way to calculate points...

f6irf at free.fr f6irf at free.fr
Tue Mar 9 10:15:13 EST 2004

Just a suggestion:
You may try VQ-log by EA6VQ http://www.vhfdx.net/vqlog.html

A software that is broadly used by europeans "VHF and above" freaks. Importing 
the ADIF you will be able to produce a text-log with calculated distance for 
each qso. Re-importing the text log in Excel will allow to sum the kms...
Did not try with the "unregistered" version(*) and for this specific contest, 
but I have used it several times last year to calculate points in 6m contests.

(*) the page says "fully functionnal"... (think for 30 days) 

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