[RTTY] Dayton Weather

Roger Cooke rcooke at g3ldi.freeserve.co.uk
Thu May 13 01:48:42 EDT 2004


  I have only been to Dayton once. That was around 1991 I think. I had
an awful cold, and
we stayed at a local hostelry. I travelled from Maryland with WA3TAI
now W3TOM. We awoke
to a very sharp frost, and it rained the entire time, until the very
last afternoon. Around
2 p.m. the sun started to appear from behind the storm clouds, and a
huge cheer went up from
the soaked and muddied crowd!  Just like an English summer really, so
can't see why anybody
complained!  Still we enjoyed it!  Oh, and no I didn't win a raffle

73 de Roger G3LDI
rcooke at g3ldi.freeserve.co.uk
g3ldi at amsat.org
g3ldi at qsl.net
g3ldi at gb7ldi.#35.gbr.eu

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