[RTTY] RTTY copy question

Don Inbody ad0k at inbody.net
Wed May 19 17:14:17 EDT 2004



I had an intriguing QSO this afternoon and I do not understand what
happened.  I tuned into a QSO between K6SAD (CA) and W9NGA (AZ) .  K6SAD was
about s-5 and I was copying him solid.  W9NGA was nearly s-9, but was only
printing garble.  When I called W9NGA, I got a response in garble.  K6SAD
answered me after he figured out I was not copying W9NGA and said he had me
solid copy into CA.


What was going on that they could copy each other, I could copy one, but not
the other.  Signal strength was not an issue, as the one I could not get to
break was the stronger signal.





Don Inbody/AD0K

Buda, TX (EM10bc)

QSL via LotW and eQSL


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