[RTTY] XP vs 98se

Tim Pearson ku4j at hiwaay.net
Wed Nov 17 13:54:21 EST 2004

Actually there are ADVANTAGES to running XP.  XP allows you to open
multiple copies of MMTTY on the same sound card (only one can tx),
this allows you to tweak the parameters (diversity) of each copy.


-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Nichols [mailto:snichols at mvosprey.com]
Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 2004 11:51 AM
To: rtty at contesting.com
Subject: [RTTY] XP vs 98se

Hi all...

Santa Claus is bringing VE1OP a new shack computer for Christmas this 
year...Current PIII getting flaky...

I have stuck with Win 98se up until now in the shack, due to problems I 
have heard about with XP not liking some ham programs...Of course, my 
main concern is being able to run RTTY with either the Writelog/MMTTY 
combo or the N1MM/MMTTY combo!!...

Any RTTY issues I should be aware of before I jump to XP ? I run FSK 
with a Mark V...


Scott VE1OP

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